Angelina Jolie attends DVD release of Kung Fu Panda in Los Angeles

Angelina Jolie, Bears and Jack Black; what a killer combination! This celebration had all the bases covered; the gigantic Kung Fu Panda bear took care of the "cute" factor, Jack Black and his crazy Kung Fu moves provided the comedy and then we have long, lean and lovely cast member, Angelina Jolie, sharing her aura of elegance and cool refinement.

Stuart Weitzman - Puente (Cashew Suede) - Footwear

Speaking of which, is she amazingly thin? I am so completely jealous it's sickening! Who else could carry off a simple black dress with elbow length sleeves and a pair of plain tan peep toe pumps with such style? Speaking of the tan heels, they were okay. But here I go playing celebrity dress up; I would have loved to see her with that dress and these suede peep toes with the leopard print spike heels just for fun. The animal print on the heels would tie the outfit together in my opinion.

Return to Celebrity Fashions, Shoes, Boots, Purses and News for more pictures of Angelina Jolie and friends.

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