On getting the script even though she had never even heard of the books:
“ I guess I was just living under rocks and mountains. And though we were warned, I figured it would be a pretty exclusive fan base. I thought we were making a cult movie; I had no idea it was going to be this, like, phenomenon.”
On her character Bella Swan, a recently relocated high school junior who falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson):
“Bella’s a very relatable girl. She inhabits qualities that most girls have, even if it’s not on the surface… What I love about the story and what puts it on a different level is that it’s ‘chemical’…there’s nobody else for either of them. Period.” (She did, on occasion, draw from her own romantic life – she’s been with boyfriend Michael Angarano “forever” as she puts it.)
On the fashion world:
“If I’m just chilling out, then people can see me any which way, but it’s different when you’re putting yourself together to do something professionally. You’re under a lot of scrutiny. It’s a bizarre thing, to me, to consider that what I wear or what I do with my hair, can affect my career… I’m not the type of person who has a million things in my closet to put together, so I’ve begun to work with a stylist and we’ve started to figure out what I like. Simple, classically pretty things; I love Chanel.”
The Dec 08/Jan 09 issue of Teen Vogue hits stands November 18. Twilight opens November 21. To meet the cast of Twilight, check out the video at TeenVogue.com.
Written By: Annette