If you're keeping tally of where the "Twilight" trinity's alliances lie in the embittered Team Jacob vs. Team Edward debate, you may need to do a recount. Sure, it's pretty safe to assume beefy Taylor Lautner is firmly in the Team Jacob camp (duh!). And last year Robert Pattinson surprisingly admitted his preference for the wolf as well, saying at a Q&A session, "I'd go with Jacob. Jacob is way more interesting." But then there's Kristen Stewart who seems to be having a hard time making up her mind.
Previously reported to be a Team Jacob acolyte, the 19-year-old may be a flip-flopper. "I think the whole point of the story is that there isn't a wrong choice," the diplomatic actress told MTV News during a press junket in Beverly Hills. "I go back and forth from being Team Edward and Team Jacob all the time. That's the story," she continued.
"The story wouldn't exist if there wasn't, like, a genuine argument for why she should be with both sides."
But don't chalk one up for Team Switzerland just yet. Though Bella's BFF is logically a better bet, Kristen agrees with many "Twilight" fans that there's just something undeniable about Edward. "On paper, I think Jacob's probably better for her," she explained. "There's ease. He's her best friend. She's always smiling around him. She's safe with him. But there's just something about Edward. It's just that sort of indescribable thing that she can't live without. I think, put in that position, I would have to go with Edward." Now if only we knew her stance on Team Rob...
Kristen Stewart
New Moon
Robert Pattinson
» Kristen Stewart Flip Flops On Her 'New Moon' Vote
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