Congratulations are in order for my dear friend Michelle and her team for the launch of her most recent endeavor, Lonny Magazine. The online publication is BEAUTIFUL! This girl has an amazing eye, and knows exactly what her readers want. Set some time aside to soak in all 195 pages, full of beautiful photographs, full bodied content and hundreds of helpful tips from the experts. It was so hard to choose a few of my favorite pages to share.

The talented Ms. Michelle Adams, in her editor debut, and her equally talented partner, Mr. Patrick Cline.

Don't miss the brilliant market pages. You can click on each item and it will take you right to the website where you can purchase it!

Step into the seven incredible home tours!

Eddie Ross, interior decorator, flea market enthusiast and blogger extraordinaire.

Kate Simpson, former senior market editor for domino magazine.

Carolina Irving, textile designer

Debroah Needleman, former Editor In Chief of domino magazine

One of my favorite pages, and not only because it features one of my favorite people, Christina Desmet, not to mention the Elliott Lucca shout out.

Great job Lonny Mag team. Looks incredible!

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