Wheather in other talk Lindsay Lohan's dad talks about his friendship with the reality TV star. Lohan, the father of tabloid queen Lindsay Lohan, told ABCNews.com today that he has opened up his Hamptons home to Jon Gosselin and Kate Major, the Star magazine reporter with whom Gosselin dined in New York City last weekend. While Gosselin and Major claimed to be just friends earlier this week, Major told Star Wednesday that she "went to do a story on Jon and ended up falling for him."
"Kate Major is best friends with my fiancee Erin [Muller], and Kate is like family to me," Lohan said. "Since there's so much media bothering them in New York City and Pennsylvania, they needed a place to get away, and I offered them my house."
"He's a really nice guy," Lohan said of Gosselin, adding that the two men went clothes shopping together and ate lunch at the Driver's Seat restaurant in Southampton.
Though they've only known each other for days, their shared experience with high-profile divorce has turned these guys into fast friends.
"We compare notes on what we've gone through and what it's like when the media gets involved," Lohan said.
In the month since he and Kate announced their divorce, Jon Gosselin has transformed from Mr. Mom to man about town so swiftly and so publicly, it's hard to believe the dude with the 22-year-old girlfriend and tight-fitting Ed Hardy t-shirts is the same dad who used to court audience sympathy on "Jon & Kate Plus 8."
Since Gosselin, 32, started dating Hailey Glassman, the daughter of the plastic surgeon who performed a tummy tuck on his ex-wife, the two have been spotted cavorting on a yacht in St. Tropez and kicking their feet up on a swing set in New York City.
The father of eight has also reportedly signed a lease on a new, approximately $5,000-a-month bachelor pad in The Alexandria building on Manhattan's Upper West Side.
Prior to going public with his relationship with Glassman, Gosselin was romantically linked to Deanna Hummel, a 23-year-old third grade teacher.
On June 22, when the Gosselins dropped their divorce bomb, 62 percent of more than 102,000 PopEater.com readers said they sided with Jon Gosselin. Asked who they supported on July 17, 58 percent of more than 54,000 readers who responded said they sided with Kate.