My arrival in Brunei was surprising.. Well at least the way I arrived though~ My dad didn't check his road tax which expires last month and my mother, brothers and I had to take the boat straight to the city. Great adventure~
Upon my arrival the first thing I spot is the cemetery across the road~ =.=
That night on the countdown to Chinese New Year, I found this after finishing my meal. Ooooooh~ Delicious?
Well, I wasn't the only one moody that day, Stitch is too~ XD
Here is my little snobby nephew~ Nobody, I mean it when I say nobody but his mother OR father can touch this little monster~
Apparently, the deco itself hates the house too.. This Rabbit fall off from it's hanger...
That's my dad on the left side.. The rest of the guys are my cousins... =.=
And these are my nieces... Big girls just wanna be pretty~
My cute fatty baby brother Aaron... :D
The Freakin' emo things I found sticking on their fridge~ =.=
- Does it bother you that I'm always right? -Yes,it does because apparently you're not always right-
- It took me 60 years to look this good. -I believe this dedicated to my lovely aunt and yes, she is beautiful-
- You have to give me a lot of credit. I have no cash. -Now, why don't you try working for it, it might help you-
- A fool and his money are my best friend. -Depends on how foolish he is, but yea at times I agree to this-
- Never Never Give Up. -Absolutely not!-
Meet the relatives~ Whom suffer over family political issues~
Denise the loner... And she's a boogey-woman too~ Check under your bed, you might spot this hottie~
The road to stardom~!! This girl can Burlesque!
The Ex-Father's mother~ Still she's their grandmother~
The most expensive Miso Soup.. $3