Maybe it's because it's Friday and 60 degrees in February here in New York City today. Maybe it's because Martha Stewart Living taught me how to turn the little back yard in my new apartment into a thriving garden on my commute to work this morning. Maybe it's because I got in a great run in Central Park before 8am, among the dogs and their owners, who all have spring fever. Whatever the reason, I am in love with this city!

Wednesday I got to go to the ballet. By pass the commotion of fashion week, also happening at Lincoln Center, to see some of the world's best ballerinas.

Yesterday morning I packed an overnight bag thinking we were gonna spend the night at the famous Chelsea Hotel, but ended up meeting my boy after my Italian class to go to the top of the Empire State Building.

I work across the street from the landmark and after five years I finally went to the top. Then, on the way to our new, local bar, our cab driver taught us how to make french fries.

Some days this city can get overwhelming, then the littlest thing happens to make you remember why you sacrifice a car, grass and "normal" life to live in the greatest city in the world.

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