Another Shoe Post
I am in love with these beautiful Fendi shoes and I've been thinking about buying some tulle and doing a little DIY on a pair of vintage Lucite Stuart Weitzmans I have, but stockings are so much more brilliant!

Ciao Bella!Today is my first day back to Italian class. Can you believe it, I'm starting level III!...Read more
With Lanvin for H&M,With Natalia in a glamorous gold gown,with kittens, pies and saddle shoes. ...Read more
I just got an urge to purchase some late summer espadrilles. So many beauties at so many price po...Read more
(photos by Andrea McCormick)Read more
For my next trick, I created striped pillows for the couch. - I bought a yard of natural color flax ...Read more
I've been happily busy these past few cold February weekends working on the new apartment. I'm exci...Read more